ThinkSmart is a local based company in UAE, a member of twofour54 Abu Dhabi Media Zone Authority. We are a community of professionals, influencers and celebrities who share their expertise through PR activities with an aim to grow a brand while delivering a positive message to society. ThinkSmart believes in PR as an efficient way to build a brand,Leading good communication by standing as our client’s communication partner, we are committed to a much larger purpose; creating unique content and receiving a proactive results.
At ThinkSmart, We believe in passion of our team that will give the ability to choose what they are good at. This is a growing priority of many talented professionals and one of the core elements of a fulfilling goal, where they are enjoying their work as a way of life and not as a career.
ThinkSmart believes in people as an asset and the reason for success behind the organization.
We carefully select right people, who share our passion and believe in our culture and philosophy – we are not a traditional PR agency, but we practice PR through our network incorporating positive energy with everything we do. ThinkSmart team is a dedicated team of media and communication professionals with skills to serve our clients with the best.